Create a unique neon sign right here, or explore our wide selection of pre-made designs. You can either upload your own design or browse through our extensive collection of options to find the perfect one for you.






Looking for a neon sign? Look no further! Crafting top-tier signs requires a winning combo of primo materials and cutting-edge tech, and that's exactly what we bring to the table. We roll with the cream of the crop – premium LED lights – for all our neon signs. These lights bring a slew of advantages over old-school glass neon lights. Speaking of tech, our neon signs are riding the wave of the latest and greatest. We're talking high-quality LED lights that bring a bunch of perks compared to those classic glass neon lights. Plus, we've got your back on the global front too. We ship internationally, so you can snag your signs pronto and without breaking the bank!

featuring the best


"Chanel" Drip LED Neon Sign

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Home Sweet Home LED Neon Sign
Home Sweet Home LED Neon Sign
Home Sweet Home LED Neon Sign
Home Sweet Home LED Neon Sign
Home Sweet Home LED Neon Sign
|5:202622874#15 inch
Home Sweet Home LED Neon Sign
Home Sweet Home LED Neon Sign
Home Sweet Home LED Neon Sign
Home Sweet Home LED Neon Sign
Home Sweet Home LED Neon Sign

Home Sweet Home LED Neon Sign

Angel Wings with Halo LED neon sign
Angel Wings with Halo LED neon sign
Angel Wings with Halo LED neon sign
Angel Wings with Halo LED neon sign
Angel Wings with Halo LED neon sign
Angel Wings with Halo LED neon sign

Angel Wings with Halo LED neon sign


"Supreme" drip LED neon sign

neon quote signs, quote neon sign
neon quote signs, quote neon sign

"LV" Drip LED Neon Sign


"Fendi" Drip LED Neon Sign



You can hop on our online tool and whip up a custom neon sign in a jiffy, or simply upload your own design. We'll hook you up with a complimentary mockup to see how it looks. It's quick, easy, and totally free!


How is a neon sign installed? Easy, simply drill the necessary wall holes, then tighten them with the wall holders. Connect and play.


Our Neon Signs are total champs when it comes to durability, lasting for a whopping 50,000+ hours without losing their brightness. And guess what? We've got your back with a cool 2-year warranty on indoor signs and a 12-month guarantee on outdoor signs too!


Don't sweat it! Our Neon Signs are super energy efficient, so you won't have to worry about your electric bill skyrocketing while your sign is lighting up the place.

Neon Sign Magic: Elevate Your Business with Eye-Catching Brilliance!

Picking out the perfect neon sign for your business involves taking a few things into account. Neon signs have become super popular for good reason – they really catch eyes, help folks remember your brand, and create cool vibes. Using neon signs as a marketing trick can seriously give your business a boost. These signs don't just make your brand stand out; they tap into the magic of people sharing their neon moments on places like TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook – basically free advertising gold. Now, when it's time to choose, remember, size does matter. Bigger signs pack a bigger punch, and those with lots of colors tend to wow folks even more. You can show off your own design or whip up something special with our online tool. And don't forget to peek at our business collection for some creative sparks. Keep in mind, your neon sign is like a snapshot of your brand, so it's gotta really show off what your business is all about.


what our customers say



Love love love our sign! Customer service was top notch , highly recommend :) shipping was so quick , any bride that wants a sign and need it soon . Buy from her :)


Sarah Louise

Very fast shipping from this seller. It is friendly, and works together all the time to make the customer satisfied. The Neon is not very big, it must be borne in mind that when you are given the measurement it is the size of the plastic from the back, not the letters as such. 100% seller is recommended



Oh Ho ^ ^ The shop seems to be alive and satisfied!! The usual Sun came in so much that I made the sunting heavy. I thought the guests were not in business, and they passed by car. When I looked for it, I ran away because I thought it would work. My problems have been resolved


Lauren M

Absolutley loved the customised sign I ordered and cannot fault the customer service, quick to respond to all the queries I had and quick to provide a mock up, also quicker than I expected delivery to the UK


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Product information

It takes between 9 to 14 business days for an order to arrive at its destination in most parts of the world

To place an order, simply visit our website and choose the design and size you would like. Then, fill out the customization form with your specific details and add the sign to your cart. Follow the checkout process to complete your order.

A custom LED neon sign is a unique sign that is designed to meet your specific needs. It is made up of flexible LED neon tubes that are molded into any shape or design to create a custom sign that is both eye-catching and functional.

Orders can be cancelled or modified within 24 hours of placing the order. After that, we will have already started production and will not be able to cancel or modify your order.

Our custom LED neon signs cannot be returned because they are unique to your specifications.

Installation is easy and can be done by anyone. Each sign comes with a mounting kit, The options are screws, anchors, or a chain for easy installation.

In the unlikely event that your sign arrives damaged, please contact us immediately and we will do everything we can to resolve the issue and provide a replacement if necessary.

Yes, we offer a one-year warranty on all of our custom LED neon signs. If there are any issues with your sign within the first year, please contact us and we will be happy to assist you.

Yes, you can hang your custom LED neon sign outside for a couple of hours during an event. However, if you plan on using your sign outdoors regularly, we recommend opting for an outdoor neon sign that has a thicker LED tube and is more suitable for outdoor use. Our outdoor signs are also engraved within the backing and come with an IP67 transformer that is water-resistant. If you prefer to use an indoor neon sign for an outdoor event, please contact us for more information on how to make it work.

Sizing depends on several factors, such as feasibility, wall dimensions, budget, etc. Our neon signs are made up of flexible LED neon tubes that are cut and molded into any shape or design to create a custom sign that is both eye-catching and functional. We recommend selecting the most optimized size for us to be able to bend the neon tube efficiently. We offer a range of sizes on our website, or you can contact us for a custom size that best suits your needs.

Our LED neon signs are made with PVC tubing, LEDs, and acrylic. They are handmade to create your ideal sign, so you can choose your specific colours, fonts, and sizes. Using PVC tubing allows us to create shapes of any size, and LED lights offer a wide range of bright colours to choose from when customising your sign. Additionally, the option of acrylic backings gives you the choice of thickness and can be molded to fit the shape of your neon sign or used as a backboard.